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Celebrating International Women’s Day 2015

International Women's Day

March 8 commemorates International Women’s Day – a day in which we celebrate the strong, impactful female leaders around us.

But why should inspirational, empowered women get only one day? At Never Settle, we believe that every day should be one to celebrate mothers, philanthropists and congresswomen that teach us so much.

So how do we celebrate the women in our lives? Why not show appreciation to the female mentors in your life by telling them – and by supporting a cause in their name?

You could give an orphaned girl a school uniform so she can complete her schooling or keep clean water flowing to female students in Cambodia to ensure hygiene and hydration. You could even start your own campaign to honor the women in your life.

Whatever you do, make sure to get involved with us at Never Settle – where we believe that everyone – especially young women – have the power to change the world for the better.

Clare Sayas,
Team Never Settle

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